optimize and re-commpress your PDFs
save space for archiving and optimize for online use

re/compress Help


re/compress goes thru the PDF's internal object tree and looks for optimization opportunities.

While small savings are usually possible by various internal optimizations, the big savings come from further re-compressing the image data.

As re/compress is very new, please be sure to keep your original files around for the start, e.g. by enabling the in-program option to add a “-Compressed” extension to the processed files.

Image recompression

Using the Image recompression allows to re-compress the images within the PDF file with an higher compression that before.

Image downsampling

Image downsampling means decreasing the dimensions and thus the resolution of the image pixel raster data. Common scenarios are downsampling 600 or 300 dpi higher resolution data for printing to 240 or 200 dpi.

Command line