Paperless office products

Go paperless with the help of ExactScan. Scan, file, sort, archive, and find your documents in a snap. Save time and money by transfering your paper into the digital world. ExactScan supports a 400+ professional scanners, and image processing to touch up your scans.

A PDF compressor and optimizer: Re/compress Shrink and optimize your PDF documents, or potentially repair and recover broken PDF files.

An easy-to-use and streamlined App: OCRKit features advanced OCR: Optical Character Recognition technology. Applied to existing documents you can search your archive for text, keywords, or copy and paste the document's text, instead of retyping everything.
Image processing
The last 10 years we developped several image processing libraries and applications. From the ground up, for multi-core systems and GPU acceleration.
Initially we only developped PDF writing as part of our image processing libraries, ExactScan and later OCRKIt product. Since 2014 we now offer a complete PDF reading, rasterzing, transformation and optimization library.
A fast OCR: 24+ languages, for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.
Embedded Linux
With the T2 SDE we provide one of the most flexible OpenSource system build kits. Define your target and use the framework to (cross)-compile your system to ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, x86, and many other CPU achitectures. Whether you build an embedded system, cloud, server deployment, or any other system: T2 can be a great help and streamline your system deployment.
Software development
Our solutions miss a feature you need? You have a great App or product idea and are looking for a company to write the code?
ExactCODE comes with many years or software development for Mac and Linux, C, C++, ObjC, and many U*nix scripting languages, ...
ExactCODE is a research and development company. The main working field digital imaging, driver development and embedded GNU/Linux base technology.
Security review
With increasing code complexity, and network connected products, security becomes more and more a major concern. ExactCODE offers security review from the design phase, before or during implementation.